Valve Gate TZM Hot Runner

Compared with molybdenum, TZM alloy has strong mechanical properties and high temperature performance, often as a raw material for hot runner production. Titanium zirconium molybdenum hot runner systems are generally divided into open gated hot runner system and valve gated hot runner hot runner system.
Valve gate TZM hot runner refers to the hot runner having a transmission control valve needle. Valve gate hot runner structure is complicated, compared with the ordinary hot runner. It has a valve gate transmission can control valve gate opening and closing movement, which through the transmission to control valve gate in expected time by mechanical movement to open or close the gates. Valve gate TZM hot runner operates by mechanical operation, and it is no limit by the plastic cooling time in gates, so in the course of the operation can greatly shorten the production molding cycle. It can expand the application of hot runner technology.
Working Mechanism
Valve gate TZM hot runner systems control the flow of plastic into the mold cavity using mechanical shut-off pins that allow the hot runner nozzle to open and close at the tip. The ability to accurately control the flow of material through the gates produces better plastic parts and faster cycle times. Valve gating is also an essential tool for automated production because it enables faster mold start-ups, a wider processing window, and eliminates the stringing and drooling of melt at the gate.
Valve gate hot runners offer a wide range of solutions for injection molded plastic parts that require superior gate and surface quality and fast cycle times. Whether molding small, high-cavity medical parts or large cascade injected components for the automotive industry, valve gating can dramatically improve the performance and efficiency of injection molding projects.