Calcium Molybdate Production Processes

Calcium molybdate production processes are as following:
1. The raw material after soda solution dipping can produce commercial molybdenum oxides and it not only can react with molybdenum trioxide, but also can react with molybdic acid and iron molybdenum oxide. During the reaction, in order to fully dissolve and save production cost, usually use four or five-stage countercurrent extraction method. The chemical reaction equations are as following: MoO3+Na2CO3←→Na2MoO4+CO2↑, CaMoO4+ Na2CO3←→Na2MoO4+CaCO2↓, FeMoO4+ Na2CO3+H2O←→Na2MoO4+Fe(OH)2↓CO2↑。
2. The solution concentrated by heating steam, when the molybdenum concentration of sodium molybdate excesses 50 ~ 70g / L, at 80 ~ 90 ℃ can add calcium chloride (CaCl2) to produce the calcium molybdate precipitates. The precipitates will success at neutral or alkaline solution, so the amount of CaCl2 should be more than theoretical reaction amount about 10 ~15%. To remove the sulfate on precipitates by water, after filtered, calcined (600 ~ 700 ℃) can obtain calcium molybdate for steel industry.Lime (CaO) and molybdenum concentrate after well mixing and roasting can obtain calcium molybdate. On the other hand, when dealing with low-grade molybdenum concentrate can use calcium chloride (CaCl2) to precipitate MoO42-, and then can obtain calcium molybdate.
If you have got any question or inquiry of molybdenum, please feel free to contact us by email:, or by telephone:86 592 512 9696/86 592 512 9595.